PULCHRA User's Manual --------------------- PowerfUL CHain Restoration Algorithm Version 3.04 (c) Piotr Rotkiewicz, 2001-2007, piotr-at-pirx.com 1. Introduction. PULCHRA is a program for reconstructing full-atom protein models from reduced representations. PULCHRA can read C-alpha only file and generate an all-atom output in a very short time. If the initial coordinates are distorted, PULCHRA will try to optimize the alpha carbon positions to generate a protein-like structure. Additionally, side chain centers of mass can be used together with alpha carbons to improve the quality of the reconstruction. 2. Compiling PULCHRA. PULCHRA comes as a few C source files that can be compiled into a single executable. No external data files are necessary to run PULCHRA. To compile PULCHRA with ANSI-C compatible compiler, go to ./src subdirectory and type: cc -O3 -o pulchra pulchra.c pulchra_data.c -lm Because of the static table size, the compilation process can take several seconds. 3. Using PULCHRA. There are three statically-compiled executables in the PULCHRA archive: Linux, OS X, and Windows versions, available in ./bin subdirectory. For security reasons, the Windows executable file is named "pulchra.ex_". You should rename the file to "pulchra.exe" before running the program. The executables were statically compiled using GNU C compiler. PULCHRA can read files in Protein Data Bank format (PDB). The simplest way of using PULCHRA is: ./pulchra input.pdb An output file named "input.rebuilt.pdb" will be created as a result. To have a better overview of PULCHRA process, a verbose flag (-v) can be used: ./pulchra -v input.pdb To display all available options, type: ./pulchra 4. PULCHRA options. The following options are recognized by PULCHRA: -v : enables verbose text output (default: off) -n : centers input chain coordinates to (0,0,0) (default: off) -g : use PDB-SG as an input format ("CA" = alpha carbons, "SC" or "CM" = side chain centers of mass) -c : skips C-alpha positions optimization (default: on) -p : auto-detects cis-prolins (default: off) -u value : sets maximum shift from the initial coordinates (default: 0.5A) -e : rearranges backbone atoms according to AMBER standard (C, O are output after side chain) (default: off) -b : skips backbone reconstruction (default: on) -q : optimizes backbone hydrogen bonds pattern, usually gaining a slightly better RMSD, but a little bit more time consuming (default: off) -s : skips side chains reconstruction (default: on) -o : doesn't attempt to fix excluded volume conflicts nor punched ring problems (default: on) -z : doesn't check amino acid chirality (default: on) -h : outputs hydrogen atoms (default: off) -r : starts optimization from a random alpha carbon chain rather than from initial coordinates (default: off) -x : time-seeds random number generator (default: off) -t : saves chain optimization trajectory to a file -i pdbfile : reads the initial C-alpha coordinates from a PDB file 5. PDB format issues. - PULCHRA will read only first of the multiple occupancy sites (flag ' ' or 'A' in column 17). - PULCHRA will skip any non-protein residues. Following modified residue codes are recognized: HID, ASX, GLX, TPO, MSE. 6. Contact and support. If you encounter issues with PULCHRA, please contact the author: piotr-at-pirx.com