Registration page


The TASSERLite suite of programs can be obtained by signing an online academic license. In addition, the license can be downloaded from here, which could be faxed to (404)-385-7478 or sent by regular post to the following address:

Dr. Jeffrey Skolnick
Director, Center for the Study of Systems Biology
250 14th Street NW
Rm 138
Atlanta, GA, 30318

Please register below for the username and password, which will be e-mailed, once you have agreed to the terms and condition of the license.

First name:                        *

Last name:                         *

Title :                                   *

Email :                                 *

Institution/Organization: *

Street Address:                 *

City:                                     *

State/Province:                 *

Zip/Postal code :              

Country:                             *

Field marked with (*) are essential