
TASSERLite is a comparative protein structure modeling tool. The present version of TASSER-Lite is optimized for modeling of single domain (41-200 residues) homologous protein sequences; that is, proteins with a sequence identity greater than 35% with respect to a known template. The template for the modeling of query sequence is identified using threading program PROSPECTOR_3 (Skolnick et al. 2004). Subsequently, the structure is refined using TASSER (Zhang and Skolnick, 2004).

TASSER (Threading/ASSEmbly/Refinement) is a protein tertiary structure prediction method that employs a threading template, which provides aligned fragments and tertiary restraints as an input to generate full-length models.Assembly occurs using parallel hyperbolic Monte Carlo sampling under the guidance of an optimized, reduced force field that includes knowledge-based statistical potentials and spatial restraints extracted from threading alignments. The models are automatically selected by clustering the generated structures from the low temperature replicas using SPICKER.

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